Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Chuuuuug Pugggg !!!

Location: Anaheim, California, USA
Beer: Steel Reserve

Many thanks again to R & K for sharing some family pictures.
Their pug, "Puggly"has great taste!

Its funny you know........ the same thing happens to me after
I start drinking too? (Psssst don't look down)

Also guys, love the cassette tapes on the book shelf. Saaweeet!

*Disclaimer* I was told it was also sugar water on top of the beer can, not beer!
                       No Animals were intoxicated in this photo.


  1. Thanks for posting the picture and for any crybabies that are soon to judge the can was closed. But otherwise we had a blast getting him to take the picture. He is very good at sitting and sleeping. That's his forte. Sincerely, R and K

  2. Oh yeah. I also have that problem downstairs when I've had a few too many. Whoops so it goes. Yeah I like tapes but it is vinyl that truly rules. R
