Friday, December 23, 2011

Beering with Tofu dogs.............yum ?

At least he got the beer right.

Thanks for the pic SR!

Dubbed, "The Worlds First Clear and Golden Beer",
Pilsner Urquell is beer that has been around since 1842
and enjoyed all around the world.

Click to read more

Bohemia, the medieval crossroad of Europe, crucible of creativity, hub of intellectual progress.

A city called Pilsen, a place that epitomises an adamant dedication to purity
and perfection.The people of Pilsen have always been passionate about their beer,
so much so that unsatisfactory brews were unceremoniously emptied into the
city’s sewers. Because, of course, those were the days before our pure
golden pilsner was born, days when beer was a dark and muddy concoction that
varied wildly in quality.

Enter Josef Groll, a genius and a visionary who saw beyond the ordinary to create
something that has withstood the test of time and inspired generations of imitators.
He created the world’s first clear and golden beer which, on 4 October 1842,
the first golden beer was unveiled at St Martins Market.

Legend has it that the single strand of yeast used to produce our golden lager
came to Groll by way of a runaway monk who smuggled it out his monastery.
Today, centuries later, we can trace the pedigree of our unique Pilsner H yeast
back to that single strand.‘Pilsner’ soon became a generic term for any
bottom-fermented beer, but the proud people of Pilsen would have none
of that, and in  1898 they renamed their beloved beer Pilsner Urquell, meaning simply
‘The pilsner from the original source.’

For centuries our brew masters have dedicated themselves to maintaining the
integrity of our fine golden lager, passing the secrets of their brewing
techniques down through the generations so that Pilsner Urquell has remained
the uncompromised original that is so well loved today.

Pilsner Urquell – The pure, original pilsner from Pilsen.

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