Saturday, December 10, 2011

Who hangs pickles on their Christamas tree ? Really?

Also, my first installment of "useless information".

Thanks SR for the sexy pic!

Never mind. Found it! Apparently its a German thing. (wonder if BB has one?)
Here's the story - It says, that Germans hang a pickle-shaped glass ornament on the Christmas tree, hidden away so it's difficult to find.
The first child to find it on Christmas morning gets a special treat or an extra present. For the first adult to find it, they will receive good luck for the whole year.

Now, the funny thing about this is, that Germans get upset with this story. They say there has never been a tradition like this before in Germany. Good old St. Nick, from what I've read, arrives in Germany on the 5th or 6th of December.(who knows?) And the children apparently open their presents on Christmas eve.........totally nullifying the whole theory. Blasted!

Anyways, to end this, it is thought, it may a been an German/American that made the whole story up to increase the sales of his "Glass Pickle" tree ornament business. From what I've heard and read today, they do sell well just about everywhere in the world, but Germany.

So next time, when someone has a Glass Pickle hanging on their tree, and they try and tell you its a German tradition, you can tear them a new one!


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